Source code for openclsim.model.move_activity

"""Move activity for the simulation."""

import openclsim.core as core

from .base_activities import GenericActivity

[docs]class MoveActivity(GenericActivity): """ MoveActivity Class forms a specific class for a single move activity within a simulation. It deals with a single origin container, destination container and a single combination of equipment to move substances from the origin to the destination. It will initiate and suspend processes according to a number of specified conditions. To run an activity after it has been initialized call on the Simpy environment with which it was initialized. To check when a transportation of substances can take place, the Activity class uses three different condition arguments: start_condition, stop_condition and condition. These condition arguments should all be given a condition object which has a satisfied method returning a boolean value. True if the condition is satisfied, False otherwise. destination: object inheriting from HasContainer, HasResource, Locatable, Identifiable and Log mover: moves to 'origin' if it is not already there, is loaded, then moves to 'destination' and is unloaded should inherit from Movable, HasContainer, HasResource, Identifiable and Log after the simulation is complete, its log will contain entries for each time it started moving, stopped moving, started loading / unloading and stopped loading / unloading start_event: the activity will start as soon as this event is triggered by default will be to start immediately """ def __init__( self, mover, destination, duration=None, show=False, engine_order=1, *args, **kwargs ): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) """Initialization""" self.destination = destination self.mover = mover self.duration = duration self.print = show self.engine_order = engine_order
[docs] def main_process_function(self, activity_log, env): """ Return a generator which can be added as a process to a simpy.Environment. In the process, a move will be made by the mover, moving it to the destination. activity_log: the core.Log object in which log_entries about the activities progress will be added. env: the simpy.Environment in which the process will be run mover: moves from its current position to the destination should inherit from core.Movable destination: the location the mover will move to should inherit from core.Locatable engine_order: optional parameter specifying at what percentage of the maximum speed the mover should sail. for example, engine_order=0.5 corresponds to sailing at 50% of max speed """ yield from self._request_resource(self.requested_resources, self.mover.resource) start_time = args_data = { "env": env, "activity_log": activity_log, "activity": self, } yield from self.pre_process(args_data) activity_log.log_entry(,, activity_state=core.LogState.START, ) start_mover = self.mover.activity_id = yield from self.mover.move( destination=self.destination, engine_order=self.engine_order, duration=self.duration, ) activity_log.log_entry(,, activity_state=core.LogState.STOP, ) args_data["start_preprocessing"] = start_time args_data["start_activity"] = start_mover yield from self.post_process(**args_data) self._release_resource( self.requested_resources, self.mover.resource, self.keep_resources )