
This page lists all functions and classes available in the OpenCLSim.model and OpenCLSim.core modules. For examples on how to use these submodules please check out the Examples page, information on installing OpenCLSim can be found on the Installation page.


The main components are the Model module and the Core module. All of their components are listed below.

openclsim.model module

Directory for the simulation activities.

class openclsim.model.AbstractPluginClass[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Abstract class used as the basis for all Classes implementing a plugin for a specific Activity.

Instance checks will be performed on this class level.

post_process(env, activity_log, activity, start_preprocessing, start_activity, *args, **kwargs)[source]
pre_process(env, activity_log, activity, *args, **kwargs)[source]
class openclsim.model.PluginActivity(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: openclsim.core.identifiable.Identifiable, openclsim.core.log.Log

Base class for all activities which will provide a plugin mechanism.

The plugin mechanism foresees that the plugin function pre_process is called before the activity is executed, while the function post_process is called after the activity has been executed.

delay_processing(env, activity_label, activity_log, waiting)[source]
post_process(*args, **kwargs)[source]
register_plugin(plugin, priority=0)[source]
class openclsim.model.GenericActivity(registry, start_event=None, requested_resources={}, keep_resources=[], *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: openclsim.model.base_activities.PluginActivity

The GenericActivity Class forms a generic class which sets up all activites.

delayed_process(activity_log, env)[source]

Return a generator which can be added as a process to a simpy environment.

class openclsim.model.MoveActivity(mover, destination, duration=None, show=False, engine_order=1, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: openclsim.model.base_activities.GenericActivity

MoveActivity Class forms a specific class for a single move activity within a simulation.

It deals with a single origin container, destination container and a single combination of equipment to move substances from the origin to the destination. It will initiate and suspend processes according to a number of specified conditions. To run an activity after it has been initialized call on the Simpy environment with which it was initialized.

To check when a transportation of substances can take place, the Activity class uses three different condition arguments: start_condition, stop_condition and condition. These condition arguments should all be given a condition object which has a satisfied method returning a boolean value. True if the condition is satisfied, False otherwise.

destination: object inheriting from HasContainer, HasResource, Locatable, Identifiable and Log mover: moves to ‘origin’ if it is not already there, is loaded, then moves to ‘destination’ and is unloaded

should inherit from Movable, HasContainer, HasResource, Identifiable and Log after the simulation is complete, its log will contain entries for each time it started moving, stopped moving, started loading / unloading and stopped loading / unloading
start_event: the activity will start as soon as this event is triggered
by default will be to start immediately
main_process_function(activity_log, env)[source]

Return a generator which can be added as a process to a simpy.Environment.

In the process, a move will be made by the mover, moving it to the destination.

activity_log: the core.Log object in which log_entries about the activities progress will be added. env: the simpy.Environment in which the process will be run mover: moves from its current position to the destination

should inherit from core.Movable
destination: the location the mover will move to
should inherit from core.Locatable
engine_order: optional parameter specifying at what percentage of the maximum speed the mover should sail.
for example, engine_order=0.5 corresponds to sailing at 50% of max speed
class openclsim.model.BasicActivity(duration, additional_logs=None, show=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: openclsim.model.base_activities.GenericActivity

BasicActivity Class is a generic class to describe an activity, which does not require any specific resource, but has a specific duration.

duration: time required to perform the described activity. additional_logs: list of other concepts, where the start and the stop of the basic activity should be recorded. start_event: the activity will start as soon as this event is triggered

by default will be to start immediately
main_process_function(activity_log, env)[source]

Return a generator which can be added as a process to a simpy.Environment.

The process will report the start of the activity, delay the execution for the provided duration, and finally report the completion of the activiy.

activity_log: the core.Log object in which log_entries about the activities progress will be added. env: the simpy.Environment in which the process will be run stop_event: a simpy.Event object, when this event occurs, the conditional process will finish executing its current

run of its sub_processes and then finish
sub_processes: an Iterable of methods which will be called with the activity_log and env parameters and should
return a generator which could be added as a process to a simpy.Environment the sub_processes will be executed sequentially, in the order in which they are given as long as the stop_event has not occurred.
class openclsim.model.SequentialActivity(sub_processes, show=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: openclsim.model.base_activities.GenericActivity, openclsim.model.base_activities.RegisterSubProcesses

SequenceActivity Class forms a specific class.

This is for executing multiple activities in a dedicated order within a simulation. It is a structural activity, which does not require specific resources.

a list of activities to be executed in the provided sequence.
The activity will start as soon as this event is triggered by default will be to start immediately
main_process_function(activity_log, env)[source]
class openclsim.model.WhileActivity(sub_processes, condition_event, show=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: openclsim.model.base_activities.GenericActivity, openclsim.model.while_activity.ConditionProcessMixin, openclsim.model.base_activities.RegisterSubProcesses

WhileActivity Class forms a specific class for executing multiple activities in a dedicated order within a simulation.

The while activity is a structural activity, which does not require specific resources.

the sub_processes which is executed in sequence in every iteration
a condition event provided in the expression language which will stop the iteration as soon as the event is fulfilled.
the activity will start as soon as this event is triggered by default will be to start immediately
class openclsim.model.RepeatActivity(sub_processes, repetitions: int, show=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: openclsim.model.base_activities.GenericActivity, openclsim.model.while_activity.ConditionProcessMixin, openclsim.model.base_activities.RegisterSubProcesses

RepeatActivity Class forms a specific class for executing multiple activities in a dedicated order within a simulation.

the sub_processes which is executed in sequence in every iteration
Number of times the subprocess is repeated
the activity will start as soon as this event is triggered by default will be to start immediately
openclsim.model.single_run_process(env, registry, name, origin, destination, mover, loader, unloader, start_event=None, stop_event=[], requested_resources={})[source]

Single run activity for the simulation.

class openclsim.model.ShiftAmountActivity(processor, origin, destination, duration=None, amount=None, id_='default', show=False, phase=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: openclsim.model.base_activities.GenericActivity

ShiftAmountActivity Class forms a specific class for shifting material from an origin to a destination.

It deals with a single origin container, destination container and a single processor to move substances from the origin to the destination. It will initiate and suspend processes according to a number of specified conditions. To run an activity after it has been initialized call on the Simpy environment with which it was initialized.

origin: container where the source objects are located. destination: container, where the objects are assigned to processor: resource responsible to implement the transfer. amount: the maximum amount of objects to be transfered. duration: time specified in seconds on how long it takes to transfer the objects. id_: in case of MultiContainers the id_ of the container, where the objects should be removed from or assiged to respectively. start_event: the activity will start as soon as this event is triggered

by default will be to start immediately
main_process_function(activity_log, env)[source]

Origin and Destination are of type HasContainer.

class openclsim.model.ParallelActivity(sub_processes, show=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: openclsim.model.base_activities.GenericActivity, openclsim.model.base_activities.RegisterSubProcesses

ParallelActivity Class forms a specific class.

This is for executing multiple activities in a dedicated order within a simulation. It is a structural activity, which does not require specific resources.

a list of activities to be executed in Parallel.
The activity will start as soon as this event is triggered by default will be to start immediately
main_process_function(activity_log, env)[source]

Register all the processes iteratively.


Get a list of all the activities an their subprocesses recursively.

openclsim.core module

Core of the simulation Package.

class openclsim.core.HasContainer(capacity: float, store_capacity: int = 1, level: float = 0.0, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: openclsim.core.simpy_object.SimpyObject

A class which can hold information about objects of the same type.

amount the container can hold
Amount the container holds initially
The number of different types of information can be stored. In this class it usually is 1.
class openclsim.core.HasMultiContainer(initials, store_capacity=10, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: openclsim.core.container.HasContainer

A class which can represent information of objects of multiple types.

store_capacity: The number of different types of information can be stored. In this calss it is usually >1. initials: a list of dictionaries describing the id_ of the container, the level of the individual container and the capacity of the individual container.

class openclsim.core.EventsContainer(env, store_capacity: int = 1, *args, **kwargs)[source]


EventsContainer provide a basic class for managing information which has to be stored in an object.

It is a generic container, which has a default behavior, but can be used for storing arbitrary objects.

Number of stores that can be contained by the multicontainer

Properties that are kept for backwards compatibility. mThey are NOT applicable for MultiContainers.


Properties that are kept for backwards compatibility. mThey are NOT applicable for MultiContainers.

get(amount, id_='default')[source]

Request to get an item from the store matching the filter. The request is triggered once there is such an item available in the store.

filter is a function receiving one item. It should return True for items matching the filter criterion. The default function returns True for all items, which makes the request to behave exactly like StoreGet.

get_available(amount, id_='default')[source]
get_callback(event, id_='default')[source]
get_empty_event(start_event=False, id_='default')[source]
get_full_event(start_event=False, id_='default')[source]
initialize(init=0, capacity=0)[source]

Initialize method is a convenience method for backwards compatibility reasons.


Initialize method used for MultiContainers.

put(amount, capacity=0, id_='default')[source]

Request to put item into the store. The request is triggered once there is space for the item in the store.

put_available(amount, id_='default')[source]
put_callback(event, id_='default')[source]
class openclsim.core.Identifiable(name: str, ID: str = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

OpenCLSim Identifiable with tags and a description.

a name
a unique id generated with uuid
Text that can be used to describe a simulation object. Note that this field does not influence the simulation.
List of tags that can be used to identify objects. Note that this field does not influence the simulation.
class openclsim.core.Locatable(geometry, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Something with a geometry (geojson format).

lat : degrees
can be a point as well as a polygon

lon : degrees

is_at(locatable, tolerance=100)[source]
class openclsim.core.Log(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: openclsim.core.simpy_object.SimpyObject

Log class to log the object activities.


Add an empty instance of the get state function so that it is always available.

log_entry(t, activity_id, activity_state=<LogState.UNKNOWN: -1>, additional_state=None, activity_label={})[source]
class openclsim.core.LogState[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

LogState enumeration of all possible states of a Log object.

Access the name using .name and the integer value using .value

STOP = 2
class openclsim.core.Movable(v: float = 1, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: openclsim.core.simpy_object.SimpyObject, openclsim.core.locatable.Locatable

Movable class.

Used for object that can move with a fixed speed geometry: point used to track its current location

move(destination, engine_order=1.0, duration=None)[source]

Determine distance between origin and destination.

Yield the time it takes to travel based on flow properties and load factor of the flow.

sailing_duration(origin, destination, engine_order, verbose=True)[source]

Determine the sailing duration.

class openclsim.core.ContainerDependentMovable(compute_v, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: openclsim.core.movable.Movable, openclsim.core.container.HasContainer

ContainerDependentMovable class.

Used for objects that move with a speed dependent on the container level compute_v: a function, given the fraction the container is filled (in [0,1]), returns the current speed

Velocity of the vessel when empty
Velocity of the vessel when full
class openclsim.core.MultiContainerDependentMovable(compute_v, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: openclsim.core.movable.Movable, openclsim.core.container.HasMultiContainer

MultiContainerDependentMovable class.

Used for objects that move with a speed dependent on the container level. This movable is provided with a MultiContainer, thus can handle container containing different object. compute_v: a function, given the fraction the container is filled (in [0,1]), returns the current speed

class openclsim.core.Processor(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: openclsim.core.simpy_object.SimpyObject

Processor class.

Adds the loading and unloading components and checks for possible downtime.

If the processor class is used to allow “loading” or “unloading” the mixins “LoadingFunction” and “UnloadingFunction” should be added as well. If no functions are used a subcycle should be used, which is possible with the mixins “LoadingSubcycle” and “UnloadingSubcycle”.

check_possible_shift(origin, destination, amount, activity, id_='default')[source]

Check if all the material is available.

If the amount is not available in the origin or in the destination yield a put or get. Time will move forward until the amount can be retrieved from the origin or placed into the destination.

determine_processor_amount(origin, destination, amount=None, id_='default')[source]

Determine the maximum amount that can be carried.

process(origin, destination, shiftamount_fcn, id_='default')[source]

Move content from ship to the site or from the site to the ship.

This to ensure that the ship’s container reaches the desired level. Yields the time it takes to process.

class openclsim.core.LoadingFunction(loading_rate: float, load_manoeuvring: float = 0, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Create a loading function and add it a processor.

This is a generic and easy to read function, you can create your own LoadingFunction class and add this as a mixin.

loading_rate : amount / second
The rate at which units are loaded per second
load_manoeuvring : seconds
The time it takes to manoeuvring in minutes
loading(origin, destination, amount, id_='default')[source]

Determine the duration based on an amount that is given as input with processing.

The origin an destination are also part of the input, because other functions might be dependent on the location.

class openclsim.core.UnloadingFunction(unloading_rate: float, unload_manoeuvring: float = 0, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Create an unloading function and add it a processor.

This is a generic and easy to read function, you can create your own LoadingFunction class and add this as a mixin.

unloading_rate : volume / second
the rate at which units are loaded per second
unload_manoeuvring : minutes
the time it takes to manoeuvring in minutes
unloading(origin, destination, amount, id_='default')[source]

Determine the duration based on an amount that is given as input with processing.

The origin an destination are also part of the input, because other functions might be dependent on the location.

class openclsim.core.HasResource(nr_resources: int = 1, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: openclsim.core.simpy_object.SimpyObject

HasProcessingLimit class.

Adds a limited Simpy resource which should be requested before the object is used for processing.

Number of rescources of the object
class openclsim.core.SimpyObject(env, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

General object which can be extended by any class requiring a simpy environment.

A simpy Environment

openclsim.server module

Module contents

Top-level package for OpenCLSim.