
This page lists all functions and classes available in the OpenCLSim.model and OpenCLSim.core modules. For examples on how to use these submodules please check out the Examples page, information on installing OpenCLSim can be found on the Installation page.


The main components are the Model module and the Core module. All of their components are listed below.

openclsim.model module

class openclsim.model.Activity(origin, destination, loader, mover, unloader, start_event=None, stop_event=None, show=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: openclsim.core.Identifiable, openclsim.core.Log

The Activity Class forms a specific class for a single activity within a simulation. It deals with a single origin container, destination container and a single combination of equipment to move substances from the origin to the destination. It will initiate and suspend processes according to a number of specified conditions. To run an activity after it has been initialized call on the Simpy environment with which it was initialized.

To check when a transportation of substances can take place, the Activity class uses three different condition arguments: start_condition, stop_condition and condition. These condition arguments should all be given a condition object which has a satisfied method returning a boolean value. True if the condition is satisfied, False otherwise.

origin: object inheriting from HasContainer, HasResource, Locatable, Identifiable and Log destination: object inheriting from HasContainer, HasResource, Locatable, Identifiable and Log loader: object which will get units from ‘origin’ Container and put them into ‘mover’ Container

should inherit from Processor, HasResource, Identifiable and Log after the simulation is complete, its log will contain entries for each time it started loading and stopped loading
mover: moves to ‘origin’ if it is not already there, is loaded, then moves to ‘destination’ and is unloaded
should inherit from Movable, HasContainer, HasResource, Identifiable and Log after the simulation is complete, its log will contain entries for each time it started moving, stopped moving, started loading / unloading and stopped loading / unloading
unloader: gets amount from ‘mover’ Container and puts it into ‘destination’ Container
should inherit from Processor, HasResource, Identifiable and Log after the simulation is complete, its log will contain entries for each time it started unloading and stopped unloading
start_event: the activity will start as soon as this event is triggered
by default will be to start immediately
stop_event: the activity will stop (terminate) as soon as this event is triggered
by default will be an event triggered when the destination container becomes full or the source container becomes empty
class openclsim.model.Simulation(sites, equipment, activities, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: openclsim.core.Identifiable, openclsim.core.Log

The Simulation Class can be used to set up a full simulation using configuration dictionaries (json).

sites: a list of dictionaries specifying which site objects should be constructed equipment: a list of dictionaries specifying which equipment objects should be constructed activities: list of dictionaries specifying which activities should be performed during the simulation

Each of the values the sites and equipment lists, are a dictionary specifying “id”, “name”, “type” and “properties”. Here “id” can be used to refer to this site / equipment in other parts of the configuration, “name” is used to initialize the objects name (required by core.Identifiable). The “type” must be a list of mixin class names which will be used to construct a dynamic class for the object. For example: [“HasStorage”, “HasResource”, “Locatable”]. The core.Identifiable and core.Log class will always be added automatically by the Simulation class. The “properties” must be a dictionary which is used to construct the arguments for initializing the object. For example, if “HasContainer” is included in the “type” list, the “properties” dictionary must include a “capacity” which has the value that will be passed to the constructor of HasContainer. In this case, the “properties” dictionary can also optionally specify the “level”.

Each of the values of the activities list, is a dictionary specifying an “id”, “type”, and other fields depending on the type. The supported types are “move”, “single_run”, “sequential”, “conditional”, and “delayed”. For a “move” type activity, the dictionary should also contain a “mover”, “destination” and can optionally contain a “moverProperties” dictionary containing an “engineOrder”. For a “single_run” type activity, the dictionary should also contain an “origin”, “destination”, “loader”, “mover”, “unloader” and can optionally contain a “moverProperties” dictionary containing an “engineOrder” and/or “load”. For a “sequential” type activity, the dictionary should also contain “activities”. This is a list off activities (dictionaries as before) which will be performed until sequentially in the order in which they appear in the list. For a “conditional” type activity, the dictionary should also contain a “condition” and “activities”, where the “activities” is another list of activities which will be performed until the event corresponding with the condition occurs. For a “delayed” type activity, the dictionary should also contain a “condition” and “activities”, where the “activities” is another list of activities which will be performed after the event corresponding with the condition occurs.

The “condition” of a “conditional” or “delayed” type activity is a dictionary containing an “operator” and one other field depending on the type. The operator can be “is_full”, “is_empty”, “is_done”, “any_of” and “all_of”. For the “is_full” operator, the dictionary should contain an “operand” which must be the id of the object (site or equipment) of which the container should be full for the event to occur. For the “is_empty” operator, the dictionary should contain an “operand” which must be the id of the object (site or equipment) of which the container should be empty for the event to occur. For the “is_done” operator, the dictionary should contain an “operand” which must the the id of an activity which should be finished for the event to occur. To instantiate such an event, the operand activity must already be instantiated. The Simulation class takes care of instantiating its activities in an order which ensures this is the case. However, if there is no such order because activities contain “is_done” conditions which circularly reference each other, a ValueError will be raised. For the “any_of” operator, the dictionary should contain “conditions”, a list of (sub)conditions of which any must occur for the event to occur. For the “all_of” operator, the dictionary should contain “conditions”, a list of (sub)conditions which all must occur for the event to occur.

static get_as_feature_collection(id, features)[source]
static get_mover_properties_kwargs(activity)[source]
get_process_control(activity, stop_reservation_waiting_event=None)[source]
openclsim.model.add_object_properties(new_object, properties)[source]
openclsim.model.conditional_process(activity_log, env, stop_event, sub_processes)[source]

Returns a generator which can be added as a process to a simpy.Environment. In the process the given sub_processes will be executed until the given stop_event occurs. If the stop_event occurs during the execution of the sub_processes, the conditional process will first complete all sub_processes (which are executed sequentially in the order in which they are given), before finishing its own process.

activity_log: the core.Log object in which log_entries about the activities progress will be added. env: the simpy.Environment in which the process will be run stop_event: a simpy.Event object, when this event occurs, the conditional process will finish executing its current

run of its sub_processes and then finish
sub_processes: an Iterable of methods which will be called with the activity_log and env parameters and should
return a generator which could be added as a process to a simpy.Environment the sub_processes will be executed sequentially, in the order in which they are given as long as the stop_event has not occurred.
openclsim.model.delayed_process(activity_log, env, start_event, sub_processes)[source]

“Returns a generator which can be added as a process to a simpy.Environment. In the process the given sub_processes will be executed after the given start_event occurs.

activity_log: the core.Log object in which log_entries about the activities progress will be added. env: the simpy.Environment in which the process will be run start_event: a simpy.Event object, when this event occurs the delayed process will start executing its sub_processes sub_processes: an Iterable of methods which will be called with the activity_log and env parameters and should

return a generator which could be added as a process to a simpy.Environment the sub_processes will be executed sequentially, in the order in which they are given after the start_event occurs
openclsim.model.energy_use_processing(duration_seconds, constant_hourly_use)[source]
openclsim.model.energy_use_sailing(distance, current_speed, filling_degree, speed_max_full, speed_max_empty, propulsion_power_max, boardnet_power)[source]
openclsim.model.get_class_from_type_list(class_name, type_list)[source]
openclsim.model.get_compute_function(table_entry_list, x_key, y_key)[source]
openclsim.model.get_kwargs_from_properties(environment, name, properties, sites)[source]

Returns a loading_func based on the given input property. Input can be a flat rate or a table defining the rate depending on the level. In the second case, note that by definition the rate is the derivative of the level with respect to time. Therefore d level / dt = f(level), from which we can obtain that the time taken for loading can be calculated by integrating 1 / f(level) from current_level to desired_level.

openclsim.model.get_spill_condition_kwargs(environment, condition_dict)[source]

Returns an unloading_funct based on the given input property. Input can be a flat rate or a table defining the rate depending on the level. In the second case, note that by definition the rate is -1 times the derivative of the level with respect to time. Therefore d level / dt = - f(level), from which we can obtain the the time taken for unloading can be calculated by integrating 1 / f(level) from desired_level to current_level.

openclsim.model.move_process(activity_log, env, mover, destination, engine_order=1.0)[source]

Returns a generator which can be added as a process to a simpy.Environment. In the process, a move will be made by the mover, moving it to the destination.

activity_log: the core.Log object in which log_entries about the activities progress will be added. env: the simpy.Environment in which the process will be run mover: moves from its current position to the destination

should inherit from core.Movable
destination: the location the mover will move to
should inherit from core.Locatable
engine_order: optional parameter specifying at what percentage of the maximum speed the mover should sail.
for example, engine_order=0.5 corresponds to sailing at 50% of max speed
openclsim.model.sequential_process(activity_log, env, sub_processes)[source]

Returns a generator which can be added as a process to a simpy.Environment. In the process the given sub_processes will be executed sequentially in the order in which they are given.

activity_log: the core.Log object in which log_entries about the activities progress will be added. env: the simpy.Environment in which the process will be run sub_processes: an Iterable of methods which will be called with the activity_log and env parameters and should

return a generator which could be added as a process to a simpy.Environment the sub_processes will be executed sequentially, in the order in which they are given
openclsim.model.single_run_process(activity_log, env, origin, destination, loader, mover, unloader, engine_order=1.0, filling=1.0, stop_reservation_waiting_event=None, verbose=False)[source]

Returns a generator which can be added as a process to a simpy.Environment. In the process, a single run will be made by the given mover, transporting content from the origin to the destination.

activity_log: the core.Log object in which log_entries about the activities progress will be added. env: the simpy.Environment in which the process will be run origin: object inheriting from HasContainer, HasResource, Locatable, Identifiable and Log destination: object inheriting from HasContainer, HasResource, Locatable, Identifiable and Log loader: object which will get units from ‘origin’ Container and put them into ‘mover’ Container

should inherit from Processor, HasResource, Identifiable and Log after the simulation is complete, its log will contain entries for each time it started loading and stopped loading
mover: moves to ‘origin’ if it is not already there, is loaded, then moves to ‘destination’ and is unloaded
should inherit from Movable, HasContainer, HasResource, Identifiable and Log after the simulation is complete, its log will contain entries for each time it started moving, stopped moving, started loading / unloading and stopped loading / unloading
unloader: gets amount from ‘mover’ Container and puts it into ‘destination’ Container
should inherit from Processor, HasResource, Identifiable and Log after the simulation is complete, its log will contain entries for each time it started unloading and stopped unloading
engine_order: optional parameter specifying at what percentage of the maximum speed the mover should sail.
for example, engine_order=0.5 corresponds to sailing at 50% of max speed
filling: optional parameter specifying at what percentage of the maximum capacity the mover should be loaded.
for example, filling=0.5 corresponds to loading the mover up to 50% of its capacity
stop_reservation_waiting_event: a simpy.Event, if there is no content available in the origin, or no space available
in the destination, instead of performing a single run, the process will wait for new content or space to become available. If a stop_reservation_waiting_event is passed, this event will be combined through a simpy.AnyOf event with the event occurring when new content or space becomes available. This can be used to prevent waiting for new content or space indefinitely when we know it will not become available.

verbose: optional boolean indicating whether additional debug prints should be given.


openclsim.core module

Main module.

class openclsim.core.ContainerDependentMovable(compute_v, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: openclsim.core.Movable, openclsim.core.HasContainer

ContainerDependentMovable class

Used for objects that move with a speed dependent on the container level compute_v: a function, given the fraction the container is filled (in [0,1]), returns the current speed

determine_amount(origins, destinations, loader, unloader, filling=1)[source]

Determine the maximum amount that can be carried

determine_schedule(amount, all_amounts, origins, destinations)[source]

Define a strategy for passing through the origins and destinations Implemented is FIFO: First origins will start and first destinations will start.

class openclsim.core.ContainerDependentRouteable(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: openclsim.core.ContainerDependentMovable, openclsim.core.Routeable

ContainerDependentRouteable class

Used for objects that move with a speed dependent on the container level compute_v: a function, given the fraction the container is filled (in [0,1]), returns the current speed

energy_use(distance, speed)[source]

Determine the energy use

class openclsim.core.DebugArgs(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Object that logs if leftover args are passed onto it.

class openclsim.core.DictEncoder(*, skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, sort_keys=False, indent=None, separators=None, default=None)[source]

Bases: json.encoder.JSONEncoder

serialize a simpy openclsim object to json


Implement this method in a subclass such that it returns a serializable object for o, or calls the base implementation (to raise a TypeError).

For example, to support arbitrary iterators, you could implement default like this:

def default(self, o):
        iterable = iter(o)
    except TypeError:
        return list(iterable)
    # Let the base class default method raise the TypeError
    return JSONEncoder.default(self, o)
class openclsim.core.EnergyUse(energy_use_sailing=None, energy_use_loading=None, energy_use_unloading=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: openclsim.core.SimpyObject

EnergyUse class

energy_use_sailing: function that specifies the fuel use during sailing activity - input should be time energy_use_loading: function that specifies the fuel use during loading activity - input should be time energy_use_unloading: function that specifies the fuel use during unloading activity - input should be time

Example function could be as follows. The energy use of the loading event is equal to: duration * power_use.

def energy_use_loading(power_use):
return lambda x: x * power_use
class openclsim.core.EventsContainer(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: simpy.resources.container.Container


Request to get amount of matter from the container. The request will be triggered once there is enough matter available in the container.

Raise a ValueError if amount <= 0.


Request to put amount of matter into the container. The request will be triggered once there is enough space in the container available.

Raise a ValueError if amount <= 0.

class openclsim.core.HasContainer(capacity, level=0, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: openclsim.core.SimpyObject

Container class

capacity: amount the container can hold level: amount the container holds initially container: a simpy object that can hold stuff

class openclsim.core.HasCosts(dayrate=None, weekrate=None, mobilisation=None, demobilisation=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Add cost properties to objects

class openclsim.core.HasDepthRestriction(compute_draught, ukc, waves=None, filling=None, min_filling=None, max_filling=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

HasDepthRestriction class

Used to add depth limits to vessels draught: should be a lambda function with input variable container.volume waves: list with wave_heights ukc: list with ukc, corresponding to wave_heights

filling: filling degree [%] min_filling: minimal filling degree [%] max_filling: max filling degree [%]

calc_depth_restrictions(location, processor)[source]
calc_required_depth(draught, wave_height)[source]
check_depth_restriction(location, fill_degree, duration)[source]
check_optimal_filling(loader, unloader, origin, destination)[source]
viable_time_windows(fill_degree, duration, location)[source]
class openclsim.core.HasPlume(sigma_d=0.015, sigma_o=0.1, sigma_p=0.05, f_sett=0.5, f_trap=0.01, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: openclsim.core.SimpyObject

Using values from Becker [2014],

The values are slightly modified, there is no differences in dragead / bucket drip / cutterhead within this class sigma_d = source term fraction due to dredging sigma_o = source term fraction due to overflow sigma_p = source term fraction due to placement f_sett = fraction of fines that settle within the hopper f_trap = fraction of fines that are trapped within the hopper

class openclsim.core.HasResource(nr_resources=1, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: openclsim.core.SimpyObject

HasProcessingLimit class

Adds a limited Simpy resource which should be requested before the object is used for processing.

class openclsim.core.HasSoil(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Add soil properties to an object

soil = list of SoilLayer objects


Add a layer based on a SoilLayer object.


Add a list layers based on a SoilLayer object.


Get the soil properties for a certain amount


Remove soil from self.


Add soil to self.

Add a layer based on a SoilLayer object.


Determine the total volume of soil.

weighted_average(layers, volumes)[source]

Create a new SoilLayer object based on the weighted average parameters of extracted layers.

len(layers) should be len(volumes)

class openclsim.core.HasSpill(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: openclsim.core.SimpyObject

Using relations from Becker [2014],

spillDredging(processor, mover, density, fines, volume, dredging_duration, overflow_duration=0)[source]

Calculate the spill due to the dredging activity

density = the density of the dredged material fines = the percentage of fines in the dredged material volume = the dredged volume dredging_duration = duration of the dredging event overflow_duration = duration of the dredging event whilst overflowing

m_t = total mass of dredged fines per cycle m_d = total mass of spilled fines during one dredging event m_h = total mass of dredged fines that enter the hopper

m_o = total mass of fine material that leaves the hopper during overflow m_op = total mass of fines that are released during overflow that end in dredging plume m_r = total mass of fines that remain within the hopper

spillPlacement(processor, mover)[source]

Calculate the spill due to the placement activity

class openclsim.core.HasSpillCondition(conditions, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: openclsim.core.SimpyObject

Condition to stop dredging if certain spill limits are exceeded

limit = limit of kilograms spilled material start = start of the condition end = end of the condition

class openclsim.core.HasWeather(dataframe, timestep=10, bed=None, waveheight_column='Hm0 [m]', waveperiod_column='Tp [s]', waterlevel_column='Tide [m]', *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

HasWeather class

Used to add weather conditions to a project site name: name of .csv file in folder

year: name of the year column month: name of the month column day: name of the day column

timestep: size of timestep to interpolate between datapoints (minutes) bed: level of the seabed / riverbed with respect to CD (meters)

class openclsim.core.HasWorkabilityCriteria(criteria, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

HasWorkabilityCriteria class

Used to add workability criteria

check_weather_restriction(location, event_name)[source]
class openclsim.core.Identifiable(name, ID=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Something that has a name and id

name: a name id: a unique id generated with uuid

class openclsim.core.LoadingFunction(loading_rate, load_manoeuvring=0, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Create a loading function and add it a processor. This is a generic and easy to read function, you can create your own LoadingFunction class and add this as a mixin.

loading_rate: the rate at which units are loaded per second load_manoeuvring: the time it takes to manoeuvring in minutes

loading(origin, destination, amount)[source]

Determine the duration based on an amount that is given as input with processing. The origin an destination are also part of the input, because other functions might be dependent on the location.

class openclsim.core.LoadingSubcycle(loading_subcycle, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

loading_subcycle: pandas dataframe with at least the columns EventName (str) and Duration (int or float in minutes)

class openclsim.core.Locatable(geometry, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Something with a geometry (geojson format)

geometry: can be a point as well as a polygon

is_at(locatable, tolerance=100)[source]
class openclsim.core.Log(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: openclsim.core.SimpyObject

Log class

log: log message [format: ‘start activity’ or ‘stop activity’] t: timestamp value: a value can be logged as well geometry: value from locatable (lat, lon)

log_entry(log, t, value, geometry_log, ActivityID)[source]


class openclsim.core.Movable(v=1, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: openclsim.core.SimpyObject, openclsim.core.Locatable

Movable class

Used for object that can move with a fixed speed geometry: point used to track its current location v: speed

energy_use(distance, speed)[source]

Determine the energy use


Log the start or stop of the sailing event

move(destination, engine_order=1.0)[source]

determine distance between origin and destination. Yield the time it takes to travel based on flow properties and load factor of the flow.

sailing_duration(origin, destination, engine_order, verbose=True)[source]

Determine the sailing duration

class openclsim.core.Processor(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: openclsim.core.SimpyObject

Processor class

Adds the loading and unloading components and checks for possible downtime.

If the processor class is used to allow “loading” or “unloading” the mixins “LoadingFunction” and “UnloadingFunction” should be added as well. If no functions are used a subcycle should be used, which is possible with the mixins “LoadingSubcycle” and “UnloadingSubcycle”.

addSpill(origin, destination, amount, duration)[source]

duration: duration of the activity in seconds origin: origin of the moved volume (the computed amount) destination: destination of the moved volume (the computed amount)

There are three options:
  1. Processor is also origin, destination could have spill requirements
  2. Processor is also destination, origin could have spill requirements
  3. Processor is neither destination, nor origin, but both could have spill requirements

Result of this function is possible waiting, spill is added later on and does not depend on possible requirements

checkSpill(mover, site, amount)[source]

duration: duration of the activity in seconds origin: origin of the moved volume (the computed amount) destination: destination of the moved volume (the computed amount)

There are three options:
  1. Processor is also origin, destination could have spill requirements
  2. Processor is also destination, origin could have spill requirements
  3. Processor is neither destination, nor origin, but both could have spill requirements

Result of this function is possible waiting, spill is added later on and does not depend on possible requirements

checkTide(mover, site, desired_level, amount, duration)[source]
checkWeather(processor, site, event_name)[source]
check_possible_downtime(mover, site, duration, desired_level, amount, event_name)[source]
check_possible_shift(origin, destination, amount, activity)[source]

Check if all the material is available

If the amount is not available in the origin or in the destination yield a put or get. Time will move forward until the amount can be retrieved from the origin or placed into the destination.

computeEnergy(duration, origin, destination)[source]

duration: duration of the activity in seconds origin: origin of the moved volume (the computed amount) destination: destination of the moved volume (the computed amount)

There are three options:
  1. Processor is also origin, destination could consume energy
  2. Processor is also destination, origin could consume energy
  3. Processor is neither destination, nor origin, but both could consume energy
process(mover, desired_level, site)[source]

Moves content from ship to the site or from the site to the ship to ensure that the ship’s container reaches the desired level. Yields the time it takes to process.

shiftSoil(origin, destination, amount)[source]

origin: origin of the moved volume (the computed amount) destination: destination of the moved volume (the computed amount) amount: the volume of soil that is moved

Can only occur if both the origin and the destination have soil objects (mix-ins)

class openclsim.core.ReservationContainer(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: simpy.resources.container.Container

class openclsim.core.Routeable(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: openclsim.core.Movable

Moving folling a certain path

determine_route(origin, destination)[source]

Determine the fastest sailing route based on distance

determine_speed(node_from, node_to)[source]

Determine the sailing speed based on edge properties

energy_use(distance, speed)[source]

Determine the energy use

sailing_duration(origin, destination, engine_order, verbose=True)[source]

Determine the sailing duration based on the properties of the sailing route

class openclsim.core.SimpyObject(env, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

General object which can be extended by any class requiring a simpy environment

env: a simpy Environment

class openclsim.core.SoilLayer(layer, volume, material, density, fines, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Create a soillayer

layer = layer number, 0 to n, with 0 the layer at the surface material = name of the dredged material density = density of the dredged material fines = fraction of total that is fine material

class openclsim.core.SpillCondition(spill_limit, start, end, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Condition to stop dredging if certain spill limits are exceeded

limit = limit of kilograms spilled material start = start of the condition end = end of the condition

class openclsim.core.UnloadingFunction(unloading_rate, unload_manoeuvring=0, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Create an unloading function and add it a processor. This is a generic and easy to read function, you can create your own LoadingFunction class and add this as a mixin.

unloading_rate: the rate at which units are loaded per second unload_manoeuvring: the time it takes to manoeuvring in minutes

unloading(origin, destination, amount)[source]

Determine the duration based on an amount that is given as input with processing. The origin an destination are also part of the input, because other functions might be dependent on the location.

class openclsim.core.UnloadingSubcycle(unloading_subcycle, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

unloading_subcycle: pandas dataframe with at least the columns EventName (str) and Duration (int or float in minutes)

class openclsim.core.WorkabilityCriterion(event_name, condition, minimum=-inf, maximum=inf, window_length=datetime.timedelta(seconds=3600), *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

WorkabilityCriterion class

Used to add limits to vessels (and therefore acitivities) event_name: name of the event for which this criterion applies condition: column name of the metocean data (Hs, Tp, etc.) minimum: minimum value maximum: maximum value window_length: minimal length of the window (minutes)


openclsim.server module


demo plot


return a plot with the cumulative energy use


Create a Gantt chart, based on a json input file


return a planning


Create a Gantt chart, based on a json input file

openclsim.server.interrupt_processes(event, activities, env)[source]
openclsim.server.save_simulation(config, simulation, tmp_path='')[source]

Save the given simulation. The config is used to produce an md5 hash of its text representation. This hash is used as a prefix for the files which are written. This ensures that simulations with the same config are written to the same files (although it is not a completely foolproof method, for example changing an equipment or location name, does not alter the simulation result, but does alter the config file). The optional tmp_path parameter should only be used for unit tests.


run a simulation

openclsim.server.simulate_from_json(config, tmp_path='static')[source]

Create a simulation and run it, based on a json input file. The optional tmp_path parameter should only be used for unit tests.

openclsim.server.update_end_time(event, env)[source]

Module contents

Top-level package for OpenCLSim.